Kuranda Blog

Kuranda Blog > Donation Success Stories

Dr. Marty Becker challenges viewers to donate beds

Posted by Carol on 02/22/2011

By next Friday, January 29, I challenge my Pet Connection readers and my friends, followers, family and fans — real life and social media alike — to dig deep and help the animals of the OCAS (Orange C … read more

Arizona shelter to receive beds for Christmas

Posted by Carol on 02/22/2011

It was the dream of Jessica Jessica Masiello who volunteers with the dogs at the Maricopa County Animal Care & Control facility in Mesa Arizona to see each dog sleep off the floor on a cozy K … read more

Elevated beds keep the animals dry and cozy

Posted by Carol on 02/22/2011

We want to make the surroundings and accommodations for the animals at Metro Animal Services the best they can be, and the Kuranda beds play a big part in that goal,” said Jackie Gulbe, director … read more