Kuranda Blog

Great Danes (German Mastiffs)

Posted by Kuranda on 03/20/2011

Originally developed in Central Europe to hunt wild boar, the energetic and rather large Great Dane is typically well-mannered and gentle when properly trained. As their heritage and size would suggest, Great Danes require a great deal of exercise and can consume massive amounts of food. But do these aristocratic dogs ever attempt to consume their own beds? Read on to find out what items to consider when selecting a dog bed for your (truly GREAT) Great Dane.


The Kuranda dog bed, utilizing a cot-style, off-the-ground frame, provides firm, even orthopedic support and will keep your Great Dane warm from cold floors in the winter while providing the airflow needed to keep cool in the summer. In addition, the elevated frame promotes healthy joints and helps arthritic dogs by allowing them to simply step down off the bed as opposed to having to pick themselves up off the floor – this is especially important with Great Danes who are prone to hip dysplasia and joint dislocations.



It’s hard to imagine a pet weighing more than many members of its human family, but often sizing up somewhere in the range of 120-200 lbs, Great Danes require an XXL frame to support their massive bodies. Both the standard poly resin and aluminum frames are durable enough handle this powerful dog; however, Great Dane puppies have a tendency to chew and have been known to destroy furniture (including their own beds) prior to initial training periods and may require the extra durability of the aluminum frame



For the same reasons mentioned in my first article discussing Golden Retrievers, I recommend cordura nylon for indoor use with Great Danes. As an average shedder prone to hip dysplasia and joint dislocations, cordura nylon offers the perfect balance of durability and texture (in order to provide secure footing) and is easy to clean. For Great Danes with a tendency to dig (which will often occur in moments of anxiety or boredom), heavy duty 40 oz. vinyl is the most durable choice for such a powerful breed; however, it is important to note that, though easy to clean, 40 oz. vinyl will puddle when wet.


Pads and Slipcovers:

Some dogs are at first hesitant to use the Kuranda bed being that it feels different from the floor and/or pillow-style bed that they are accustomed to. Adding a fleece pad or slipcover will provide extra comfort and can help your dog transition to the new bed while still providing the same orthopedic support and other health benefits described above.


Crate Beds:

Kuranda offers crate beds – traditional Kuranda dog beds with supplemental 3 inch legs that provide adequate headroom when the dog bed is placed inside an existing crate. Crate beds give crate-trained dogs’ access to the same comfort and health benefits provided by the Kuranda dog bed inside their crate. Many professionals advise crate training Great Danes puppies (who often have a tendency to chew) until they have “proven” themselves able to have free run of the house.