Kuranda Blog

It’s Back-To-School Time: How to Prepare Your Pets for the Change

Posted by Caroline Aro on 08/23/2023

As the summer comes to an end, many families are getting the kids ready to start a new school year! While kids may be excited to see their school friends again, start up new classes, extracurriculars… this time of year does entail quite a bit of change. The summer break routines, schedules and even the energy around the house can all be so different. There are a few things to consider during this time of transition to help your pets to adapt as seamlessly as possible.

New Routine

Boxer and Cat share a Kuranda dog bed

Animals benefit from a regular schedule; knowing what to expect helps curb some anxiety and is often paramount to keeping a happy pet. When school starts back up, people will be out of the house more often than during the summer – parents will have to leave earlier to get the kids to school, the bus stop or carpool, and the kids will be gone all day. That change from playing and lounging with the family all day, to more extended periods of alone time can be stressful for many dogs and cats alike.

Before school starts, practice the new schedule with your pet so they can acclimate to the coming changes. For example, in the weeks before school starts:

  • Start the day a bit earlier, get a good solid walk in with your dog (or other playtime/exercise to tire out your pup, which will help with pent up energy and anxiety). For cats, spend a bit more playtime before everyone leaves – this should help to hold off boredom while you’re away
  • Slowly adjust their mealtimes to match when you expect you’ll be able to feed them
  • Determine when bathroom breaks will be for your dog or you can have a pet sitter come by midday to care for your pup.
  • Start providing activities for your pet to keep them busy while everyone is gone during the day.

Which leads us to…

A miniature Australian Shepherd puppy with a chew toy on their Kuranda dog bed

Without the same kind of interaction or company throughout the day, your pet is at risk of becoming very bored! That boredom can manifest as destructive behavior which isn’t safe for your house or your pet. Provide plenty of enrichment for your pet while you’re away – giving your dog a food-stuffed toy when you leave is a great way to keep them occupied for a while. Be sure to make this toy exclusively for “away” times – this helps to teach them that it’s okay when the family leaves but that they will be back

Background Noise


Even if your kids are quiet as a mouse, there will definitely be more noise when they’re home than when the house is empty. That silence can be unsettling for some pets and many pet experts recommend keeping the TV on or to play music while you’re away.

Photo provided in product review by Denyse (Canada)

Send Your Dog Back to School!

A group of dogs posing for the camera and practicing place training

Photo from Mutty Paws Academy (Scarborough, ME) on Facebook

Another great option to help your dog adjust to this time of year is to also send them back to school! As much as the kids would love to bring the family pet to school, it may not be the best idea – instead, consider enrolling your dog in training classes. Whether it’s just basic training and commands or something like agility, this time can be great for dogs to learn and stay engaged. It also makes for great person-pet bonding.

All in all, autumn is a time of change in many parts of our lives. Take the time to consider how you can best support your family (people and pets alike!) to maintain a happy and harmonious household