Kuranda Blog

Kuranda Blog

The Great Dane Lady

The Great Dane Lady

Posted by Greg on 11/12/2013

Recently we lost a great friend to the dog community. Linda Arndt was the first person I interviewed for the blog articles and was very patient and helpful. We never got around to publishing this arti … read more
Rachel Thorton on Diabetic Alert Dogs

Rachel Thorton on Diabetic Alert Dogs

Posted by Greg on 07/22/2013

Rachel Thornton is a loving Mother who has a daughter that was diagnosed with type one diabetes about 7 years ago. Friends, family, and community raised the large amount of money necessary for a diabe … read more
Leader of the Pack K9 Institute in Allentown, PA

Leader of the Pack K9 Institute in Allentown, PA

Posted by Greg on 06/25/2013

Lisa McDonald, owner of Leader of the Pack Canine Institute, started her third year in business this January and says she will never go back to corporate America. Lisa spent twenty years as an assista … read more