Kuranda Blog

North Carolina dogs and cats enjoy Kuranda beds.

Posted by Carol on 09/01/2011

Congratulations to Trish and the volunteers at the Scotland County Humane Society for a successful bed drive!  They posted a request for donations on their website and Facebook page to spread the word that the animals needed beds.  Within no time the support from the community poured in and they already have beds for more than half of the dogs and a few of the cats. 

They write " Odie (pictured)  loves the new Kuranda dog beds. It has made his past few days at the shelter much more comfortable.  The animals are loving their new beds.  Thank you for everyone who has donated." 

About the Kuranda Donate a Bed Program

Kuranda Bed drives are an easy way to get all your pets up off the floor and onto Kuranda Beds.

Get started by signing up for the Kuranda Donate a Bed Program and select the bed sizes & types you want to receive. Then spread the word! Promote your bed drive through your newsletter, website and social media.

Kuranda offers discounts and free shipping to anyone who is donating to a shelter or rescue. Facebook is a very effective way of asking people to donate Kuranda Beds! Making frequent posts for the duration of your bed drive is the best way to promote donations!

Visit our Donate a Kuranda bed page to start a bed drive or to sign up for our Donation Program!