Kuranda Blog

On the road to recovery with his Kuranda bed

Posted by Carol on 11/15/2008

Ro suddenly became paralyzed and incontinent due to a disk rupture in his back. I was at my wits end trying to keep him clean and dry during his recovery period. I tried to order a orthopedic pet bed made especially for incontinent pets, but it was on back order and the company couldn't tell me when the bed would become available. It literally felt like they were adding insult to Ro's injury. The mesh bed you made for Ro has been a Godsend! You will be happy to know that Ro is recovering from back surgery. He is getting control of his bladder back and starting to learn how to walk again. Accidents are still common, but I don't worry one bit - the wetness goes right through the bed onto the puppy pad and a quick wipe puts the bed back to good as new condition! Because any kind of steps are off limits, we left the legs off and simply set the bed frame on top of the puppy pad to hold it in place. He's confined to the bed within a small section of an exercise pen; a few easy to wash fleece blankies make Ro's confinement safe and comfortable. After two weeks we have had absolutely no problem keeping him clean and dry, with no signs of bed sores or infection! Hooray! Thank you again for making this most difficult time just a wee bit easier to take. Not only are your beds wonderful, but your company is as well! You guys ROCK! Sincerely, Chris Willis and Ro