Kuranda Blog

Kuranda Blog > Pet Professionals

Canine Hope for Diabetics

Canine Hope for Diabetics

Posted by Greg on 03/11/2014

Crystal Cockroft has been running Canine Hope for Diabetics for almost 5 years.  She and her team train diabetic alert dogs for type one diabetics.  The dogs are trained to alert high and lo … read more
The Great Dane Lady

The Great Dane Lady

Posted by Greg on 11/12/2013

Recently we lost a great friend to the dog community. Linda Arndt was the first person I interviewed for the blog articles and was very patient and helpful. We never got around to publishing this arti … read more
Rachel Thorton on Diabetic Alert Dogs

Rachel Thorton on Diabetic Alert Dogs

Posted by Greg on 07/22/2013

Rachel Thornton is a loving Mother who has a daughter that was diagnosed with type one diabetes about 7 years ago. Friends, family, and community raised the large amount of money necessary for a diabe … read more