Kuranda Blog

Sheila poses for a close up on her Kuranda cat bed

Posted by Carol on 08/01/2011

Last Hope Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation, Long Island NY posted a request on their website for Kuranda beds for their dogs and cats and their supporters came through!  They  have received 41 BEDS so far!!   "A BIG, BIG thank you to all of our supporters who donated beds. We are so excited as this means the dogs will not have to sleep on cold concrete floors or the cats in their litter boxes. We still in need of more cat beds so please continue to support this campaign and if you’d like to order click here - Kuranda dog & cat bed."

About the Kuranda Donate a Bed Program

Kuranda Bed drives are an easy way to get all your pets up off the floor and onto Kuranda Beds.

Get started by signing up for the Kuranda Donate a Bed Program and select the bed sizes & types you want to receive. Then spread the word! Promote your bed drive through your newsletter, website and social media.

Kuranda offers discounts and free shipping to anyone who is donating to a shelter or rescue. Facebook is a very effective way of asking people to donate Kuranda Beds! Making frequent posts for the duration of your bed drive is the best way to promote donations!

Visit our Donate a Kuranda bed page to start a bed drive or to sign up for our Donation Program!