Kuranda Blog

Stars come out to help the animals

Posted by Carol on 04/14/2011


There is a lot of heart in Los Angeles for the animals.  That is what Lu Parker and Sarah Grooters discovered when they asked the community to donate for dog beds for the South LA Shelter on Valentine's Day.  Their campaign "Have a Heart, Donate a Kurnada Bed" was a huge success thanks in part to the local florists who gave a bouquet of flowers for every dog bed donated!  They surpassed their goal of a bed for each of the 144 dogs in the shelter in no time!   Visit Lu Parker's Facebook page for pictures and links to videos of the day the beds were assembled and delivered to the waiting dogs.  You might spot Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Adam Sander at the event held on one of Sony's sound studios!

As the dogs climbed up on the beds, Lu writes "This makes my heart sing.  Some of them can finally rest…after days, weeks, or months (or maybe their whole lives) of not being able to.  It’s an incredible gift to have been able to give–a gift of relief and of comfort.  It’s a tremendous thought to ponder that maybe these dogs will be able to relax, at least for a little while.  That maybe they will be able to take a break from their constant barking, pacing, and gnawing at the bars in anxiety.  That maybe–just maybe–they can climb up off the cold, wet floor and fall into a sleep so deep their bodies and minds might steal not only a moment to refresh and rebuild themselves, but also to dream."

About the Kuranda Donate a Bed Program

Kuranda Bed drives are an easy way to get all your pets up off the floor and onto Kuranda Beds.

Get started by signing up for the Kuranda Donate a Bed Program and select the bed sizes & types you want to receive. Then spread the word! Promote your bed drive through your newsletter, website and social media.

Kuranda offers discounts and free shipping to anyone who is donating to a shelter or rescue. Facebook is a very effective way of asking people to donate Kuranda Beds! Making frequent posts for the duration of your bed drive is the best way to promote donations!

Visit our Donate a Kuranda bed page to start a bed drive or to sign up for our Donation Program!