Kuranda Blog

Town of Huntington Animal Shelter on How to Have a Successful Bed Drive on Facebook With Only 298 “Likes”

Posted by Greg on 01/08/2016

Michael Costa at Town of Huntington Animal Shelter says, the success of your Kuranda Bed Drive is directly related to “doing the right thing”.

Town of Huntington Animal Shelter’s Facebook page was less than 24 hours old, with fewer than 300 “likes” when they ran their Kuranda Bed Drive. Their involvement in the community and treating their employees and volunteers as family has resulted in a very successful Bed Drive.

Michael Costa says “Town of Huntington Animal Shelter is a little unique in that, The Town of Huntington Animal Control division this year has become what we believe to be the first municipal shelter in the United States to open up an in-house grassroots movement. We are now a 501c3, it’s a charitable non-profit called Give a Dog a Dream which has given Town of Huntington sort of a dual role as an animal control facility and a non-profit dog charity.”

Give a Dog a Dream came about through the desire to provide more than just basic necessities for the animals. “Generally tax dollars focus on food, shelter, water and [basic] veterinary care but there’s certainly more that these dogs deserve.” That is why Michael and the Town of Huntington decided to create “Give a dog a Dream”. The success of the bed drive was a direct result of being so involved and beloved by their community.

If you want to put on a Kuranda Dog Bed Drive, it’s paramount for a municipal shelter to have a strong presence in the community. Michael Costa says “We have a great relationship with our volunteers, and while, sure our Facebook page only has 298 “likes”, the Kuranda Bed Drive link we posted on it received about a thousand “shares” and that really just came down to us having a great relationship with our volunteers with them paying it forward, and word of mouth.”

Read more about Kuranda’s Donate a Bed Program.

About the Kuranda Donate a Bed Program

Kuranda Bed drives are an easy way to get all your pets up off the floor and onto Kuranda Beds.

Get started by signing up for the Kuranda Donate a Bed Program and select the bed sizes & types you want to receive. Then spread the word! Promote your bed drive through your newsletter, website and social media.

Kuranda offers discounts and free shipping to anyone who is donating to a shelter or rescue. Facebook is a very effective way of asking people to donate Kuranda Beds! Making frequent posts for the duration of your bed drive is the best way to promote donations!

Visit our Donate a Kuranda bed page to start a bed drive or to sign up for our Donation Program!