Kuranda Blog

Wisconsin Humane Society's Recipe for a Successful Bed Drive

Posted by Greg on 09/23/2015

Wisconsin Humane Society was established in 1879, and they were the first humane society in the state, hence the name “Wisconsin Humane Society.” They now serve the Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine counties, and recently opened a spay neuter clinic, which specifically focuses on spay and neuter surgeries for the public. Wisconsin Humane Society is a very proud shelter and for good reason.

Three's Company

Allie Christman and Wisconsin Humane Society have had two very successful Kuranda Bed Drives. The first bed drive was in 2013 when they acquired a third campus, which was an existing shelter in a nearby community that they knew they wanted to serve. Once they acquired the shelter, their first priority was improving the building and the living conditions for the animals. The dogs had previously been sleeping on concrete floors and Kuranda beds would provide a more comfortable, less stressful environment. Allie and her team have been using Kuranda beds for a number of years at their other three locations and they love how comfortable they are for the dogs, and how easy they are to sanitize. They decided to use Kuranda’s Bed Drive feature to help supply their new campus with Kuranda Dog Beds. They posted their campaign to social media sites with an explanation of Kuranda Dog Beds along with a photo of a group of their rescued dogs piled on a Kuranda bed, and why they are so important to Wisconsin Humane Society. The campaign only lasted a few days and they got about 55 beds donated, which filled the new campus and got all the dogs up off the floor on brand new beds, which was an incredible feeling for Allie and her team. Allie says “we set up our campaign and it was great because you can pick the color, they type of frame, and what size beds you want.” Allie also commented on how easy the bed drive site was to use for anyone who wanted to help make a difference for the animals at WHS, and the tracker on the website that shows people how many beds have been donated, and how far from their goal they are, helped keep people motivated throughout the process.

Sample Bed Drive Media Sample Promo Media

Allie Christman set up a second successful Kuranda Bed Drive this year and almost overnight they received an astonishing 83 new beds. Wisconsin Humane Society was so successful; they were able to cycle out all their old beds with brand new beds. Allie Christman says “If there are any shelters who are looking to have a successful bed drive, the important things are explaining to the public how easy it is to contribute. It’s not always easy for people to contribute when a shelter is asking for help, but telling people that within 5 minutes you can make a donation, that’s quick and directly related to the happiness of the animals. That, using all of your social media channels, spreading the word, and letting your volunteers know so they can spread the word, and if you ask, and set a realistic goal, people will almost always rise the that challenge.”


About the Kuranda Donate a Bed Program

Kuranda Bed drives are an easy way to get all your pets up off the floor and onto Kuranda Beds.

Get started by signing up for the Kuranda Donate a Bed Program and select the bed sizes & types you want to receive. Then spread the word! Promote your bed drive through your newsletter, website and social media.

Kuranda offers discounts and free shipping to anyone who is donating to a shelter or rescue. Facebook is a very effective way of asking people to donate Kuranda Beds! Making frequent posts for the duration of your bed drive is the best way to promote donations!

Visit our Donate a Kuranda bed page to start a bed drive or to sign up for our Donation Program!