Kuranda Blog

Kuranda Blog

How to Bond with Your New Cat

How to Bond with Your New Cat

Posted by Jenn on 04/19/2016

Welcoming a new cat into your home is really exciting, but it can also be nerve-wracking: What if she hides, or seems afraid of you? Don’t worry if your new friend is a bit standoff … read more
Getting Dog Hair Off Furniture

Getting Dog Hair Off Furniture

Posted by Jenn on 04/07/2016

We love our furry friends, but we don’t always love their hair – especially when it’s everywhere. Staying on top of the fur-bunnies in our homes is a never-ending task, … read more
Dog Allergies

Dog Allergies

Posted by Jenn on 04/01/2016

Dogs can have allergies, just like humans do. The symptoms are more likely to be skin-related than respiratory, though -- instead of sneezing, dogs with allergies will compulsively scratc … read more
Helping Your Senior Dog Sleep Better

Helping Your Senior Dog Sleep Better

Posted by Jenn on 03/30/2016

“Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.” Sydney Jeanne Seward Just like their human counterparts, elderly dogs may have trouble sleeping through th … read more