Kuranda Blog

Kuranda Blog

Puppy Teething

Puppy Teething

Posted by Jenn on 05/12/2016

Puppies, like human babies, are born without teeth. They get their first set of 28 teeth, called deciduous or milk teeth, within the first few months. Most dogs have 42 permanent teeth by … read more
Why Do Dogs Like Sleeping Together?

Why Do Dogs Like Sleeping Together?

Posted by Jenn on 04/29/2016

Is there anything cuter than a pile of sleeping puppies? We didn’t think so. Young puppies don’t sleep in a heap just because they know humans find it adorable, though— … read more
Should Your Dog Sleep on Your Bed?

Should Your Dog Sleep on Your Bed?

Posted by Jenn on 04/27/2016

People tend to have strong feelings about their dogs’ sleeping arrangements. Whether you love falling asleep to the sound of your dog’s soft breathing or you can’t think … read more