Kuranda Blog

Kuranda Blog

How to Talk to Your Newly Trained Dog

How to Talk to Your Newly Trained Dog

Posted by Jenn on 07/22/2016

Most people who send their dogs to a puppy class or a doggie boot camp have the same basic goal in mind: a happy, confident dog who dependably follows the rules of life with humans. But e … read more
Top Products for Dogs Who Love to Chew

Top Products for Dogs Who Love to Chew

Posted by Jenn on 07/08/2016

If your dog loves to chew, you’ve no doubt learned the hard way that not all dog products marketed as “chew-resistant” or “for powerful chewers” live up to t … read more
Using a Dog Bed as a Training Tool

Using a Dog Bed as a Training Tool

Posted by Jenn on 06/22/2016

Lots of dogs love it when their bed is in the middle of the action, like in the family room or the kitchen. That means that when you, say, come in with an armful of groceries, or open tha … read more
5 Tips for Life with an Incontinent Dog

5 Tips for Life with an Incontinent Dog

Posted by Jenn on 06/13/2016

Healthy, housetrained adult dogs can hold their urine for up to eight hours, which means they should be able to hold it overnight or through a human workday. But what happens when your do … read more
4 Summer Dog Grooming FAQs

4 Summer Dog Grooming FAQs

Posted by Jenn on 06/01/2016

When the temperature spikes up in the summer, many of us look at our panting dogs and think, “You’d be so much cooler without most of that fluff!” While shaving your dog … read more