Kuranda Blog

Kuranda Blog

Introducing Your Dog to a New Baby

Introducing Your Dog to a New Baby

Posted by Jenn on 09/15/2016

Bringing home a new baby is one of life’s most joyful experiences, but for a canine member of the family, it can be really confusing. The house is suddenly full of new sounds and sm … read more
Bonding with Your New Puppy

Bonding with Your New Puppy

Posted by Jenn on 08/28/2016

Bonding with puppies seems like the easiest thing in the world: all you have to do is cuddle them, and you’ve already fallen in love. And because puppies are so small and helpless i … read more
“No Free Lunch” Dog Training

“No Free Lunch” Dog Training

Posted by Jenn on 08/18/2016

To your dog, you are the source of everything awesome: food, treats, toys, attention, trips to the park, etc. The “No Free Lunch” dog training approach (also known as “N … read more
Do Hunting Dogs Make Good Family Pets?

Do Hunting Dogs Make Good Family Pets?

Posted by Jenn on 08/07/2016

Dogs have accompanied hunters as their trusted partners and companions for thousands of years. No matter what kind of game you hunt today, you can find a breed of dog that is perfectly su … read more